- Webmasters - http://www.aflexi.net/pages/webmasters
- Webhosts - http://www.aflexi.net/pages/webhosts
Updated: Removed the links below as the videos are no longer there. Go here instead.
- yc
Aflexi, FOSS, Java, Software Engineering, Politics, the Beings and Nothingness.
2 SELECT INBOXI thought it would be a permission problem but the dirs are set with 700. I also read that it could be the server's date time, which didn't seem to be the case at all.. I then bumped into this thread in the Ubuntu forum to find out that I should have used maildirmake command to create the maildir, bah.
2 NO Unable to open this mailbox.
$('#nav').append('lots.of.divs'); // Here's the injection
$(document).ready(function() {
UiHelper.registerSlider('a.menu-1-1-2', '#sliderWso', '#pointerWso', 300);
drupal_add_js(join("\n",$js), 'inline');
echo 'paste your html' | tr -d '\n'