Wednesday, November 28, 2007

For the Green

Wrote a blog entry about being puzzled by static methods and tearing down MuleManager in a failed test.

Read this link.

Wrote a ConstantsHelper class too for Constants, although it doesn't sound necessary.

- yc

Monday, November 26, 2007

One of the many problems of OpenID

I have just come back from a short trip, which has given me some space off work and had some time to start thinking about getting things done.

So, one of the very first actions is to get into Issues Done then realized I could not login as my OpenID server -- Videntity is either down or gone.

Stefan Brands wrote a good entry to discuss about the problems of and with OpenID. Do check it out.

The model of OpenID suggests a decentralized approach which arguably is its strength and at the same time its biggest weakness. The service is no longer dependent on just the service provider but also the external authentication service provided by a third party.

Ideally, if all servers are available, everything works in yours and the dreams' favor. But at this moment, I am totally prohibited to enter any of my sites registered under my OpenID. How bad it is?

- yc, pffft

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

From Nightwish to Nightmare

I had two visits to Aussie. Every time, I brought back a Nightwish album for my sister.

In year 2006, I bought Highest Hope when I was in the Melbourne city; In year 2007, I bought End of an Era from somewhere near QvB.

The departure (an expel actually) of Tarja Tarunen shocked me, it was during my Uni final semester. Early this year, Anette Olzon joined as a replacement of her, but I didn't really have the time to check her out. 'til lately, my sister dug up their new songs and videos (via YouTube) and she kept expressing her sad feeling to me.

I could understand and neither I could tolerate the way Anette screwed up the beautiful Wishmaster.

It simply doesn't work. Tarja is a talented musician and an opera performer but Anette is.. Whatever she is, I am not here to whine but to say that -- not every thing is replaceable, let's call this a new band.

- yc, missing Tarja

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Demonstation, a Display of Democracy

You could hardly see a mass peaceful demonstration in Malaysia. And it happened yesterday:

Crowd to Palace

Our government wasn't happy and this is what spoken by our deputy Prime Minister:
"If they (the Opposition during the Bersih rally on Saturday) can gather 10,000 people, the Government through Barisan Nasional can gather even more people.

"But what is the use if such demonstrations only lead to the possibility of ruining what we have built for the country?" he said.
I wasn't there because of the opposition. I was there because I could see that the country needs a change and what they have built so far are shame, corruption, stupidity, and ruining freedom and democracy.

Pictures at Flickr.

- yc, pffft

Friday, November 2, 2007

How to be successful at Integration

This whitepaper, written by the CTO of my company -- Robert Castaneda, gives a pretty clear introduction on what integration is.

You may love the pictures.

- yc

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Got my groove on IASA (Malaysia) October Chapter Meeting

I attended the IASA Malaysia October Chapter Meeting on Tuesday, it featured:

  • Business Process Management Enabled by SOA -- Kevin Khaw, Senior Technology Advisor, IBM Malaysia

  • Managing Changes & Mitigating Risk in Software Development -- Amir Gheibi, Chief Software Architect, SnT Global Sdn Bhd

Kevin is from the WebSphere group, he talked about how important business process is and it's usually overlooked as people emphasize more on the service and products. BPM is a discipline not a technology, it solves the problem of undocumented processes, inefficiency caused by bottlenecks, limited visibility into runtime performance, complex integration across multiple processes, cumbersome process changes, undefined KPIs, etc.

The slides and diagrams, however.. are not available in the repository yet, otherwise it could be easier to depict it.

I found the left-to-right business model and top-down BPEL model inspiring though, they sparked me some ideas to create some high level diagrams to describe certain processes in a support project that I'm working on, e.g. training and evaluation, daily support work, etc.

Amir shared about how changes could be introduced to a project and their impacts to it. His final slide clicked with what I kept thinking about during the presentation. Agile and TDD, as an iterative approach to cope with changes.

At the end of the presentation, I questioned about adopting Agile is more of a political issue in most of the companies in Malaysia, Amir did not deny the fact and instead he emphasized that an architect has the responsibility of being a politician to influence the management and people. He also touched a bit on the "Iron Triangle", using its factors in planning and negotiation.

It was a good night anyway. Am looking forward for other upcoming IASA events.

- yc, groovy