Thursday, June 30, 2011


It has been quite a while since last blogging, been using Twitter and Weibo to deliver my ideas but not this time.

I joined the MNCC since almost a year ago, suggested by one of its then-member of council Ditesh. I have a strong belief that there's something I can contribute to the country through this platform, although nothing real has been done yet.

The annual meeting was held at Armada Hotel, with its annual report available here. And, I remember that we talked about the lack of funds, the low turn-outs to organized conferences and seminars, and most important, the lack of youngsters. I suppose 3 or less fingers can count those who're at or below the age of 30 out of ~40 attendances tonight.

I do have some opinions but I do not want to provide any analysis on MNCC at this stage to make myself judgmental and critical. Instead, I need to lend some helping hands.

Take a look at its website, very 90's, very unattractive. But I was shocked to find out that it has been maintained by Syed, someone who could be double of your age, knows enough of HTML to get the content up.

So here comes the purpose of this blog post, I am looking for a volunteer to set up a CMS and administrate the site (hosted at Exabytes according to Syed, but this is not important), the best person who can do this job better than me.


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